Spannabis 2024

Spannabis 2024 was the latest rendition of Europe's premier counterculture event, built to encourage and foster the development of cannabis culture across the international hub that is Barcelona every March at the expansive Fira de Cornella location. Spannabis serves as a focal point for the cannabis industry, attracting a diverse mix of attendees, including industry professionals, growers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and cannabis enthusiasts from all over the world. The event features many activities, including exhibitions, conferences, music, competitions, and subsequent award ceremonies, making it a comprehensive and vibrant celebration of cannabis culture and industry.
As well as the official competitions, there's a plethora of new competitions and events popping up all over the city in the various smoking clubs or smoking associations that cannabis connoisseurs and enthusiasts unite with a common objective to celebrate and chase some of the most high-end Cannabis in the world. Industry leaders from established markets, such as those that exist in the microcosms that are the United States of America's legal states or in countries such as Canada that have legalized Cannabis, flock to Spain during March to tap into the worldwide melting pot of Cannabis.
As always, the adrenaline is pumping before the shows as we work in a considered but wildly energetic manner, leading to the whole build-up and event feeling surreal and very much a film.
Last year was a pivotal expo, marking the first time we shared a booth with DNA Genetics right at the heart of the event, on booth 39, we've distributed DNA Genetics since the early days when their OG Kush hybrids were making a storm across the world, and rightfully so. This booth is more than sizeable, marking a notable switch-up from our previous booths, which enabled us to showcase more genetics and encouraged our breeders to showcase their entire arsenal.
Which cannabis seeds did Pure Sativa bring?
2024 marked our second time sharing the spacious area in the main hall in Booth 39 with our tight-night DNA Genetics family. By dividing the booth with a Pure Sativa banner and pop-up banners of our breeders' menus in front, we created two separate spaces, leaving us ample room to play with. This enabled us to make the best experience for our customers, from the planning to the execution of the retail experience.
Karma Genetics
Karma Genetics is one of the best to do it; that much is not up for debate after his storied history from the early years in the Netherlands and his catalogue of winning strains, with some of the most popular being the Sour / Kush hybrid, The Headbanger whilst other Sour Diesel recreations such as the Sour D Bx2 and the Sowahh also taking podium seats in the hall of fame, Biker Kush needs a mention as another staple Kush hybrid revered by many.
Karma's success wasn't an overnight revelation but one that was slowly built in the early days of the internet through countless awards, hard work and grit that led to the cult-like obsession of dedicated fans who helped document their growing cycles and success stories using Karma Genetics.
In the feminized form, Karma Genetics brought several new feminized Pink Runtz hybrids, and he used the Pink Runtz as a reversal to pollinate several elite clones.
Karma crosses the Guava Gelato, Gelato #41, Zowahh, Georgia Pie, Fritter Licker and Happy Brother to the Pink Runtz for unique candy-gas-infused hybrids. The Hindu Runtz is the Happy Brother x Pink Runtz, which was a strain that took many people by surprise when they caught a whiff of the sample; due to the Hindu Kush lineage, it was less sought-after by initial menu scanners, but its powerful aroma caught many off guard.
Karma also brought a few new feminized seeds in collaboration with Bodhi and Genefinder OG, expanding on the Co-op strains we released last year from Karma. These are the Goji Biker, a cross of Goji Razz OG and Biker #081, Judge Dread being Dreadbread x Biker #081, and Black Beard being Pirate Sweart x Biker #081.
From a regular seed perspective, Karma Genetics brought out a ton of limited edition Z x Zizi F2 hybrids including: Black Zi = Black Domina x (Z x ZiZi F2), Chemical Zi = Twin Peaks x (Z x ZiZi F2), Pinkzi= Pink Runtz x (Z x ZiZi F2), Fresca Zi= Fresca Melon x (Z x ZiZi F2), Zi Melon= KG Melon x (Z x ZiZi F2), 41 Zi = Gelato 41 x (Z x ZiZi F2), Peazi Fresca = (Freca Melon x Peach Melba) x (Z x ZiZi F2), Guava Zi = Guava Gelato x (Z x ZiZi F2) & Zi Fritter = Fritter Licker x (Z x ZiZi F2).
The heat didn't stop there, though; he also brought out his staple Sour D Bx2 and Sowahh, as well as a new release of the Zowahh using a Zkittlez backcross instead of the original Z, a new release of the Where's My Bike and also a full release of Sour Sweatband OG (Ghost OG/ Pure Kush / Sweatband x KG Sour D Bx2), last of all from these regs is the Fresca Sour that crosses Fresca Melon with KG Sour D Bx2.
Karma Genetics also had some killer freebie options that were sometimes just as sought-after as the main drops! He released Pink Runtz S1 (Pink Runtz x Pink Runtz), Zownami (Zowahh x Zunami), Sour Pink Pie (Pink Pie x Sour D Bx2), Sour Pink Bacio (Pink Bacio x Sour D Bx2) and Pinky Sour RS (Pinky RS x Sour D Bx2) for these.
Grounded Genetics
Grounded Genetics was a major draw for our customers, as was the case the previous two years; this time, Grounded Genetics pulled out all the stops with a wide-ranging menu which he split into two halves, with one half containing the new Zunami, Ozark and RS11 lines, of which only the Zerberry from the RS11 line had previously dropped. The second half was slightly cheaper, an untested lime underpinned by the PapayaDawg, aka Papaya x ChemD pollinator, made to create exotic hash-washing cultivars.
The Zunami reversal underpins the Zunami Line. Zunami itself is (Zkittlez x 41/Sherb Bx1), and thankfully, Grounded Genetics included an S1 of the Zunami in the lineup of this new range. He also features the Zkunk, which is Exodus Cheese x Zunami; Rainbow Fuel, which is Gary Payton x Zunami; Easy Money, which is OZ Kush x Zunami; and Chemikaze, which is 3 Chems Z Zunami. Overall, these hybrids are all extremely exotic new strains, but the Chemikaze and Zkunk are balanced by the more classic powerhouse style of strains, such as the game-changing Exodus Cheese & the powerhouse 3 Chems.
On the Ozark side is the Swoosh (Jump Shot x Ozark), Nose Candi (RS11 x Ozark) and Pink Honey (Papaya x GMO) x Ozark. Pink Honey caught many hash-makers' eyes from the initial menu drop thanks to the rich resin content and the open bud structure that quickly allows water to knock off the resin glands into the water for later collection to make premium quality hash.
Meanwhile, on the RS11 line was the release of the incredibly sought-after Zerberry, which crosses the Zunami mother back to the RS11. Blue Fumez again crosses their in-house creation of Jumpshot (Gary Payton x Jealousy), Apple Drops (Fritter Licker x RS11) and Ultraviolet Sherb (Designer Sherb x RS11). The Ultraviolet Sherb was one of the most sought-after ones from the bunch, as some samples caught the noses of many customers.
Grounded Genetics also provided some killer promo seeds with each purchase, with Zkunk seeds coming with the RS11 line, Pink Honey with the Zunami Line and PapayaDawg Seeds with the Ozark line and the PapayaDawg line.
Perfect Tree Seeds
Perfect Tree Seeds also came prepared with their killer arsenal of seeds, including their ever Popular Jet A line (Gelato 33 x Tina), their time-tested Peach Ozz (Oz Kush x Peach Rings) line, 2023's drop of the Coco Milk line (Bingsu x Frozay), as well as their newest creations, with the CherryTini line and the Banana Punch regular line.
CherryTini crosses the Cherry Noir with their stellar Jet A, Cherry Noir itself crosses (Cherry Pie x Black Lime Reserve) X Chemdawg for some extra power! This exotic and unique strain was reversed and then used to pollinate a select few winning hybrids with the Mimosa, making Cherrymosa, with Zcube creating the Cherry Hills and with itself creating the unique Cherrytini S1. These Cherrytini crosses were highly sought-after as they all had exotic smells that seemed unique to these breeders. Don't fear if you missed the event; they'll be hitting the site shortly!
For their classic line-ups, Peach Ozz and Jet A, these all proved popular for another year, with Spritz, Pink Gasoline, Lemon Curd and Peach Lassi being some of the most requested choices. However, despite their reigning popularity, Perfect Tree hasn't left these two lines to rest on the merits of their laurels; the new LH2P fuses Peach Ozz with Jet A and is currently running as a promo for both the Peach Ozz and Jet A lines, its gassy, fruity, resinous and packed full of power!
Perfect Tree's new Banana Punch line was the only regular offering from these elite breeders; Banana Punch is a cross of Banana OG and Purple Punch, known for its recognizable tropical fruit profile. One of the most sought-after strains from this line is the Backyard Banana, which was created in collaboration with @trichoma_gold_Genetocs. Backyard Banana Crosses Backyard Candies with the Banana Punch, the Backyard Candies is a unique fruity hybrid that has made a name for itself at the Backyard Social Club. They also paired the Banana Punch pollen with the Frozini to create the Frozanan, Bingsu for Halo Halo, Lemon Curd for Lemons & Bananas and their infamous Zai Zai for Banzai.
Black Tuna Seeds
The Black Tuna seed company reunited with the Pure Sativa family for their second year at Spannabis with us, this time bringing their new Tropicana Punch fem line, which features Tropicanna Punch S1 (Trop Punch x Trop Punch) Acai (Larry OG x GSC) Trop Punch), Uvaz (Grease Monkey x Runtz) x Trop Punch, Grapplez (Green Applez x OZK) x Trop Punch, Ocean Spray F1 (Sunset Sherbert x OZK x Trop Punch), Fig Newtonz (Rolex OG x GSC) x Trop Punch, Merrengon (Crumbled Lime x Trop Punch) Cerezaz (Cherry West Bx x Trop Punch) and Palabras Sobran (Cherry OG x Trop Punch). From this range, the Uvas was extremely popular with the hash makers, whilst the Cerezaz was the most popular for flower smokers thanks to that unique Cherry West Bx mother from Meme Gene from Mendocino.
Black Tuna also teamed up with Always Be Flowering with the Grape Venom = Sunset Sherbert x(Dosidos x Face On Fire) x Trop Punch, Blood Sport (GMO x Gorilla Breath 6 x Trix) x Trop Punch), Toronjaz (Orange Sherbert x Runtz) x Trop Punch), Forbidden Applez (Apple Fritter x Runtz) x Trop Punch) Last, there is the Champana (Delta Diamonds x Runtz x Trop Punch). They also brought some of their favourite seeds from last year in the form of their killer Nicole Kush line, which they expanded with the Rum Punch (Sour D Bx2 x Nicole Kush x Sunset Sherbert x Ozk), Selva Negra (Sin Mint Cookies x Nicole Kush) & Citrus x Limonia (Continuum #17 x Super #70). The Champana was the most desired strain overall by Hash Makers from the Black Tuna range, closely followed by the Blood Sport and the Uvas. However, these strains were well-received and aptly supported with the Kimbo Kush x Ozk promo seeds.
Black Tuna does grow out their generations outdoors in the tropical climate of Columbia, this leads to hardy plants that remember this harsh climate and, resultingly these strains become able to withstand adverse outdoor environments. Black Tuna's process helps to ensure their genetics will equally thrive when grown under more tightly controlled indoor conditions.
Alien Labs & Connected Cannabis Seeds
One of the big draws of the show was the first-ever unveiling of seeds from Alien Labs and Connected Cannabis. These brands have long been popular globally thanks to their dominance in the California marketplace. However, this was the first time these genetics were revealed to the world, so you can imagine they caused quite a stir! From Alien Labs, they dropped their Atomic Apple x Kyrptochronic, Y2K x Kryptochronic, Biskante x Kryptochronic, Y2K x Gemini, Lemon Cherry Gelato x Kryptochronic, Sunset Sherbert x Gelato 41. From Connected, they dropped their Grape Gas x ChemD, Gelato 33 x Gelato 41, Lemon Fuel x Biscotti, Space Face x ChemD and Baklava x Biscotti. These strains were well received, with the LCG and Biskante crosses being the most popular from Alien Labs, the Grape Gas x ChemD, and the Gelto 33 x Gelato 41 being the most sought-after from Connected. All these packs came in 10 packs of fems, ensuring the potential for multiple keepers.
Alien Labs & Connected Cannabis seeds will be launching soon in these killer 10-packs for population hunting size.
Mosca Seeds
We also had Mosca Seeds back for another drop, this time bringing Pink Animal Crackers S1, Pink Lemonaid S1, Sello (Dante's Inferno x Pink Lemonaid), Tapestry (Pineapple Punk x Runtz de Frutas), Jelly Cat (Mind Reaper x Runtz De Frutas), Loop Hole ( Dante's Inferno x 711 ( Zoap x Pink ZaZa), Marvista ( Unicorn Poop/ Pink Animal Crackers x Raspberry Boogie) & Lane 8 (Pink Runtz x 711). All of these came with the promo of Smash (White Runtz x Runtz De Frutas). Mosca Seeds' hottest sellers were the Pink Lemonaid and the Jelly Cat, followed by the Loop Hole. The Loop Hole and Lane 8 both have 711 as the pollinator, including the new Pink ZaZa hybrid, which has recently gained a lot of hype for its unique terp profile. Our breeders brought unique genetics to the table, leading to an incredible weekend where breeders and growers could connect and chop up some serious game.
Hash Times Cup
The Hash Times Cup was held on the Thursday night before the madness of Spannabis commenced at the Expo; we collaborated with our breeders Perfect Tree and Zmoothiez Genetics to help host this event, where dry sift, ice-o-later and rosin entries were judged against their peers in these hotly-contested categories. The event was held at the highly esteemed Backyard BCN, a social club with a deep association with Perfect Tree. The judges all left happy with deep-set grins adorning their faces as they completed what must have been one of the best seshes of their lives so far. The entries were tallied, and the results were drawn on Sunday at our booth, where the top 3 champions of each category were crowned.
Bring Your Cheese Cup
In honour of our dear friend Milo Yung, aka Big Buddha of the Original Big Buddha Family Farms, there was a second event on a Thursday night. With a heavy heart, we remember Milo as he only launched his new brand in 2022 and in 2023, Spannabis was the first time this brand was revealed at Spannabis. After such an exciting event, we were all stoked to have Milo onboard, but tragically, he passed away shortly after Spannabis 2023. Karma Genetics had plenty of packs of Big Buddha genetics that he and another member of Big Buddha's team bred in honour of the creator of the Big Buddha Cheese. For those who loved our dear brother, we asked them to leave him a note of remembrance in a custom-made book for his family to read through and remember him by.
The Bring Your Cheese event was held at the Selva Club by Niko, a dear friend of Milo, where several entries, including Cheese & Cheese hybrids, were brought and judged in Milos' name. Some killer entries were judged, including some Badazz Cheese & Buddha Cheese & a hugely talented artist who created some Big Buddha artwork live at the back of the club.
We can't close this chapter on Spannabis 2024 without mentioning Grateful Seeds' whose Zhead took first place in the Ego Clash Barcelona 2024 Rosin category as produced by the vastly-talented Single Sorcery. Second place Rosin was awarded to London Organix with their Poochies Papaya and third place Secret Scoeity Hash Co took third place based in Denver with their Zkittlez. In the Full Melt categories was Bud Professor, a Spanish Hash Maker with their Melon Ball, second place was Real Cannabis Chris with Baja Surf Break and third place was Santa Hash with their Cap Junky. Dry Sift winners were Roo Labs from Spain, Femme Fatale from BCN in second place and Uncle Jack in Third. Flower wise La Chanvriere took first place hailing from France, second place was awarded to the Spanish The Zombie Farmer and third place was Pure and Proper.
It was another incredible Spannabis for 2024, with some game-changing genetics released to the public for the first time, and some new names being recognised for their tireless work and achievements.